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Implantation bleeding?

Ok ladies! Smis the bleeding a lot or little? When I've wiped the past two times I've had just a little bit of blood. Like I'm talking a few dots or specks. Plus our cat who isn't too fond of me came and laid on my tummy for a couple of minutes and then got down. I've been a little crampy this evening. I'm trying so hard to not get too excited! Sorry of TMI

3 Replies • 12 years ago



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I hope I can be of some help to you. My af is expected tomorrow. I still have symptoms and have had them all the way through. My nips have not ceased to be tingly nor sensitive since around the 12th of last month (April).
What I experienced was definitely a first for me in my life. I wrote everything down in my journal on my phone, here is a short synopsis of what has been going on (I know this is long, sorry, but I am trying to include as much detail as I can for ya) trying to stick as close to the subject as possible:
April 12: sore, burning and stabbing pain in breasts, smell sensitivity, started craving livercheese, taste aversion to tomato (I love tomatoes), smelled an atrocious odor on my df's clean clothes that no one smelled but me, then to me, my hands smelled strange because I touched them. Hungry and thirsty, craved pickles.
April 19: Started what I thought was a light peachy pink af.. but I now believe it to be ib after loads and loads of research and interviewing my sisters.. Lol! The peachy pink presentation wasn't bloody at all.. it looked like a stain. You know how something oily can sit on a paper towel and there be a stain with a liquid stain around it.. that's not the best but it's as good of an analogy as I can muster for ya.
That was in the a.m., at 6:10 exactly (my af most always starts in the mid-late a.m.). 2-3 hours later the peachy pink stain turned into a light rosey brown stain. Again the consistency was a liquid stain not like af (not oily either-that was just an analogy.. Lol! Bright pink presentation on the tissue when I wiped. I felt fullness, pressure and heaviness in my pelvic region.. felt a lot more like ovulation than af. I never get brown af at the beginning when she visits.
I used Lightdays pantyliners since it was so scanty.
April 20: No increase in amount or volume. Definitely a lot of white space on my liner. Later in the day I got a little more presentation on my tissue but not much. Later... nothing on my tissue. af still bright peachy pink. (notice it is not red). I notice it is mixed with some (sorry) snot-like mucous when I wiped both times. Looked like what was there flowed off the side a little as my pantyliner adjusted. I washed my panties out in the sink and the water remained clear. I couldn't tell really because though they felt wet my panties were dark blue.
April 21: Af changed to dark red. No cm. At 7:50pm af is reddish black. Bbs still a little sore, nips still tingling. I finally made it to the bathroom so I could wipe before I p'd: small specks.. I p'd and nothing was on the tissue. This is totally bizarre!!! Later in the day.. still reddish black. I'm really suspecting this is not af at this point. At 11:30pm change.. (I changed my liners rather frequently though hardly anything was on them so I can tell if anything changed and by how much!) Tissue virtually clean when I wiped.. noticed a few small clots. This time I was dripping everywhere in the bathroom (not pouring), still staining. I dripped once on the toilet seat. It looked like a drop of super-thick reddish black (burgundy or maroonish kinda) af. I touched it with my finger and it had the consistency of water (very light, liquidy)... not of blood. Still not much on my liner. Had more on my liner 1.5hrs. earlier. This time definitely more white pantyliner than af. I'm still feeling fullness and tugging. When I start af, It's normal for me to feel bloated but that don't last past the 1st day, that and bbs go back to normal - I never feel fullness down there or tugging.
April 22: 2:13 a.m. and dear af is darned near vacant. Off in 2 days??? Normally my af stays 5. I've done 4 days before but in either case my af was always blood red, never ever pink not even anytime at the beginning. I flow heavy also when af visits. So this "lightness" is stupifying me.
Same day, now dripping again except this time it's peach tinged water. Bbs still sore, nips tingly-still!! Off af between 5 a.m. and 7p.m. I noticed a throbbing ache in my lower right ovary.. I was sleepy all the time (which still hasn't changed) and moody.

Alright done with that.. I promise! My ovulating late would explain why my 1st was overdue. My 2nd, 3rd were planned c-sections prior to their due dates. I did not ib with any.

12 years ago

Wow! You know your stuff! I think at this point I want a baby so much I'm seeing things. Monday can't come soon enough! If af isn't here I will test again. Good luck to you and keep in touch!

12 years ago • Post starter

melissa i understand were your comeing from, iv been at this a yr now and i stoped looking at all my little symptoms, because every time i would get one i would search on the internet to find another women who had the same thing and if they were in deed pregnant, then i would be disapointed when i got my BFN. A little about my self i have a mild case of PCOS and im on provera to start periods and clomid, this is my frist cycle, didnt get to BD alot this month because hubby was sick. But im not giving up hope period not due till the 23-25, i ihave a cD of 35 sometimes. Think i ov late and I might be 6dpo or latter, but i had a drop of pink creamy CM on the 17. And on the 18th i had a brown stain on the TP, thinking AF might be comeing early only I havent had nothing since maybe IB but Not betting on it who knows will see. I want a baby so bad that i to look at all the symptoms, but in the past iv been disapointed.

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago

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