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If Cutting out caffeine when TTC....

If one if making a choice to cut out caffeine entirely when TTC, does that include also when you are on your AF, and right before you even are ovulating? Or those who cut it out just cut it out during the time where they are acting ovulating and trying and during the TWW???

5 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

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I think it applies to all month long.. at least that's what i do.. if ur cutting something down or will take time for it to get out of ur system ..hope i helped

12 years ago

I have cut out caffeine completely from every part of my life. I agree with the other poster that it takes caffeine awhile to get out of your system so I would recommend cutting out entirely during the TTC process. But of course that is a personal choice and completely up to you. Good luck to you.

12 years ago

I also decided to cut caffeine out of my lifestyle, as much as possible, all month long. I went to decaf coffee and the occasional soda. Mostly I drink caffeine free herbal tea. I have not given up chocolate or other foods where caffeine occurs. I find that it is hard for me to give things up, cold turkey, so it is better for me to just get off and stay off. Baby Dust to all!

12 years ago

Thanks everyone for helping! I want to get off it altogether too, but having trouble finding decaf Chai anywhere in stores!!! Also, I couldn't give up chocolate either mamalr!!! Especially hot chocolate! ;)

12 years ago • Post starter

Chai is a black tea, and black tea always has caffeine, just because of the plant it comes from. The only "black teas" that don't have any are going to be Lipton, and thats not really the same kind of tea. Most doctors advise you keep under 100-200mg of caffeine a day while pregnant, so there is no reason you couldn't maintain that while TTC. Having more than that can increase the chances of miscarriage or low birth weight. Obviously it is a personal decision and I'm not trying to talk you out of it at all, I'm just trying to answer your question. Good luck!

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12 years ago

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