What women are saying

Darkening Areola

Ladychey123  2 years ago
Noticed at 11dpo


Kyky1995  7 years ago
7 DPO and YES


emeraldrainbow   7 years ago
darkening areolas today, 10-11 dpo. have never experienced that




babymommy28  8 years ago
i noticed last night while bathing noticeddark areola then afterwards i noticed normal color


Stylistangel12  8 years ago
I was convinced I was PG bc I have never had bigger darker areolas except in previous PG. but AF reared her ugly old hag face today ): 15dpo


Stylistangel12  8 years ago
Has anyone had a BFP with this?


Stylistangel12  8 years ago
14dpo and my areolas are very brown and there's a darker brown ring around the outside. Also has bumps on them. Had cramps today but no AF


Sarahwally  8 years ago
13dpo one areola darker than other, has visible rim


babyhopes3xx  9 years ago
arond the nipple has gone dark brown , been having side bb pain from 5 dpo , now 10 dpo this happens with preg , af is swollen full feeling


kaitlynparks94  9 years ago
10 dpo and my nipples amd areloas have this dark ring around them, occompanied with senstive/sore nipples! FX


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