Photo #740818


Afrobeautytay  6 years ago

So I’ve solved the digital test mystery!! THERE ARE NOT TWO BLUE LINES AUTOMATICALLY THERE AT ALL!!! Not until you piss and the chemicals react. This is a new test unused (see the pure white of the urine catcher) this is false. If two blinds show I think it’s safe to say you are pregnant!!!









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Comments (11)


Afrobeautytay   6 years ago

Talked to my doctor those digital two lines were def positives.. didn’t have enough hcg for it to register as pregnant. Posted new results and confirmed pregnant. Doctor also confirmed what I thought.. line should only appear when pregnant..

Afrobeautytay   6 years ago

Okay will do thank you!

KaylaStarMucha  6 years ago

Go to page 5 in my photos. U can see my person experiment. It's interesting, keep us updated with what you get!

KaylaStarMucha  6 years ago

You will have to go back a few pages but i have non pregnant vs pregnant then the weeks estimator also

KaylaStarMucha  6 years ago

I've actually tested this i still have it on my page in the pictures, not pregnant had 2 lines on one and one faint on the other or something like that but yes once you urinate on the test there will be 2 lines that come up, usually a line will be faint and it gets darker if your pregnant

Afrobeautytay   6 years ago

I meant test line.. there was a control line though. I’m actually getting ready to test this theory some more by having my bf per on the stick ....

Afrobeautytay   6 years ago

Everything I read does not say that. The people who I’ve known to piss on one aka my sister same weight as me hers did not show lines at all after peeing on a digital. She was pregnant 7 weeks to be exact with my nephew at the time. So.... yeah I guess it’s different for everyone.

Dannielle3boys  6 years ago

Once peed on, they all have two lines. The intensity of it is what proves it to be positive. Taking apart test does nothing. All digitals work if used properly

Afrobeautytay   6 years ago

Also as stated above I did not pee on this or the 2nd I opened. I kept seeing people say they automatically come with two lines so I tested the theory and whaallaaa what do you see no automatic two lines just a blank strip with the dye at the end that interacts with the urine. This is unused

Afrobeautytay   6 years ago

I just popped open another I bought a 5 pack... it’s still blank.

mommyyof3  6 years ago

Just because it didn't pull up 2 for you does not mean that someone who gets a negative and pops it open and there are two means they are. I know this to be true because I have taken these before and had two lines and the same day got my blood drawn and it was negative. Not trying to argue????
