VickieN   5 years ago

Thanks so much guys, I have BBT so know I ovulated but will do another BD as it was the same as well today. It’s all very confusing, after 8 years and numerous experiences I thought there were no more surprises!

squirgle  5 years ago

I'm not saying that's what's happened but something to consider if you're not 100% sure that your ovulation was certain (eg bbt etc) Happened to me so I've done some reading up a while ago that's all! :)

squirgle  5 years ago

It is possible (I've experienced it a few times) more than one lh peak in a cycle - if the first leg peak was not successful in releasing an egg (lh hormone matures the egg but it doesn't rupture out and release) it will try again with a new peak a few days later.