Rachael92   5 years ago

But I have had weird breast pains. My breasts feel heavy. I have lower abdomens “swollen” feeling and I’ve been a little nauseous. Also a little flu-ish feeling like lethargic almost if I move my head around too quickly or eyes or something. Just definitely not feeling like myself.

Rachael92   5 years ago

Hey! Thanks for commenting I’m very confused because I’ve had two negative tests, but I am only 3 days late. So maybe it’s just not a strong enough hGc hormone?

Rachael92   5 years ago

I’ve missed my period, my breasts are tinder. Slight nausea. Haven’t been hungry really. Just extremely weird mood. Getting aggravated easily. Never miss my period.

Erised87  5 years ago

Any other symptoms? Maybe do a test to be safe