Papa's Mama   5 years ago

Thanks OhBoyOrGirl, I appreciate the backup;) And let's rock this cycle, eh?! Crystal! Jenn! All the rest of you too!!!!

OhBoyOrGirl  5 years ago

@ Mother-nurse- you are ovbs a idiot, to "know" that you don't just use after noon pee! But I'm sure you will know that when you don't catch your O day in time. But that's none of my business
Papa'sMama Girl you already know Lookin Good.
for us both

Papa's Mama   5 years ago

@Crystal, thank you, and I cant wait to sign on and see your tests! I'm on my phone right now...

CrystalMom2BoysTTC3  5 years ago

My fingers are crossed for you!! hope you get that BFP in a few days!!