VanessaJoo  5 years ago

You could've double peaked. Where your body was there then put on the breaks (due to some stressor) then released your egg later. I'll see that sometimes in my chart for cervical mucus observation.

Jenn2011  5 years ago

Two eggs for the price of one That would be awesome! I’m glad I used the Clear Blue Advanced digital opk this cycle. It cut out a lot of stress that come with using the strips. However I did still use the strips only because I’m a POAS addict

Papa's Mama   5 years ago

Still, my CD14 tests were all negative after my supposed surge on CD13. Then I got a couple faint +s yesterday, and now this!! Maybe I'm Oing twice?? That would be groovy!

Papa's Mama   5 years ago

Okay, thanks Jenn!