Claire987   5 years ago

Dillion20 thank you so much for advice, I have one test left I will try it, I did another test after that one and the controll line is a lot fainter I'll add a picture too show you. Xx

dillon20  5 years ago

I actually did this around 6 weeks cause i was freaking out and it proved true. I have pics on my profile showing the difference when my urine was diluted with half water.

dillon20  5 years ago

BUT as you get even farther along like you are usually around 5-6 weeks the TEST line becomes actually lighter drawing from the control line. its weird! Try this and I bet you will see what i mean...pee in a cup, then add HALF water to your urine, then test. Youll see the TEST line darken up!

dillon20  5 years ago

testing the farther along you are gets confusing...heres why.... in the beg you will have a light TEST line and a darker control line. As you get around 19, 20, 21 and so on DPO your TEST line will become darker than control drawing color from control line...