Chelskii316   6 years ago

That makes me feel better! Still very nervous 13dpo today periods due tomorrow cycle day 27 just hope this is a sticky baby x

cennageyer  6 years ago

I dont know why i ever try with fmu. With my last 2 pregnancies, i got better lines in the afternoon. So seeing a lighter line with fmu after getting a good line the previous afternoon freaks me out. I am also dealing with this again. ugh. hcg was at 5 on wednesday (2 days ago), and i was 7 dpo. GL!

dillon20  6 years ago

Sorry..meant to say "most of us on here"

dillon20  6 years ago

Afternoon urine works best for most of isn't on here! I seriously think they say to use Forster morning urine so we buy more tests!