member   2 years ago

I will need a repeat ultrasound to see what all happens.

member   2 years ago

I went to my transvaginal ultrasound and the tech was the same ultrasound tech from my last ultrasound 3 weeks ago and she said there is a fluid filled sac in in uterus that wasn't there 3 weeks ago. It was so small but absolutely visible by transvaginal ultrasound so I will need a repeat ultrasound

member   2 years ago

Bc I've been having a lot of ovarian cysts since November of 2020 and my ObGyn wants to make sure that they are resolving.

Mommy_7_  2 years ago

Definitely looks very faintly positive! Congrats, but why would you have an ultrasound? There is no way anything could possibly show up at this point. Only a thickened endometrium. Do you have it scheduled for another reason? Wouldn't want you to be worried not seeing even a gestational sac.