AvalancheUnited  3 years ago

WTF I just tested with what looks like the same exact brand and am seeing the same thing. Damn it

ZHPBBs   3 years ago

wow that hurts someone thinks my profile is fake...makes me sad you think that. I was posting this to show that some test are unreliable and no one should look after the allotted time to get hopes up. I thought SOME women would appreciate it...not be rude about it

Sarah3182  3 years ago

I think some test's give you slight positives on purpose so we keep buying their brand and test like mad thinking 'this is it,my bfp' only to get a bfn the next day,then we turn into a poas addict lol. It's all trial and error I suppose. Stick to what we know best.

Sezzy777  3 years ago

Good point well made. Plenty of companies probably will add different strengths of hCG antibodies on the testing strip especially the cheaper tests to stretch their profit. But the member uploading this test hours after and complaining of an evap is scientifically flaw.