dakotagurrl  4 years ago

The bottom test is negative. U want the test line (one with arrow) to be equal to or darker than the control line. Take another test tomorrow morning and if it seems like it's darker than today's, start testing 2x a day. U can also track ur cm, it can be a great indicator as well.

VictoriaD93   4 years ago

My cycles have been pretty unpredictable lately, and I’m not sure how long my luteal phase is because I have never known when I ovulate. I thought that’s what I was going to be learning when I started taking these opk tests? I have no idea.

soundhaven79  4 years ago

Depending on length of cycle & luteal phase(typical number of days post ovulation to period)is how you should determine testing. I ovulate btwn CD 15 to CD 18 so I don’t test until CD 13 on a 28-30 cycle.If you finished cycle 2 days ago I think it’s too soon to test but you know your body best.