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Lets do it together!

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I met wonderful friends here during my last and just sadly finished tww and I hope many of you and othets will join me in this (and hopefully last) attempt! ;-)


408 Replies • 8 years ago



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Chekai I am sure you will

pinkster123 Did your temp spike yet? I too had horrible ovulation pains in my lower right side this month. I was starting to worry myself about it but I decided to convince myself that it was because I ovulated on a full moon

I think I am now 2 DPO. My temp finally spiked this morning which verifies that my BD timing looks pretty darn good for this cycle. Oh this is not good I am already starting to get my hopes up I hope I don't get let down in the end please please please don't shop up this month!!!

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8 years ago

AKHopeful-no temp seems norm I think? Above period temp but no sudden rise, look at my chart if thats poss aand see what you think? Im def not ov now so hope I actually did, I got enough cramps around that time Hopefully we have both conceived around the full moon howl
Hope u get your thermometer tom Chekai
No allowed this month, all gonna get

8 years ago

pinkster123 I can only see what I assume is your last cycles chart since the last day on it is Feb. 11th.
I sure hope we did!!!!
's to all!!

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8 years ago

Good morning ladies, I will try to upload to here as yes thats last months AKHopeful, had lots of nice dreams last night but may have been partly down to this stinking cold, but by far best one was I gave birth to a little boy, he had my DH skin/eyes and hair, he was beautiful and now cheered me up as I have had neg comments from my best friend when I hinted at that me and DH would like a child , this cold, her attitude and my heating packing up really got me down yesterday but Im gonna keep my hopes up for that little boy now and beat this cold
Not heard from Queena & Szonja recently, how are you both, Chekai must be nearing end of AF now, this should be your month with a pos start?

8 years ago

Hi all! Yes, pinkster, AF is just about over. (usually abt 6 or 7 days)

Hoping for the best for everyone - pinkster, looks to me like o occured on either CD 11 or 12, but then, I'm still new to bbt charting, so not sure!

Wishing you all the best!

8 years ago

I agree with Chekai. Or atleast that's what it looks like to me!

I think I am 6 DPO today and I had the strangest thing happen yesterday. DH and I had sex in the morning, not rough at all and honestly didn't last that long but I had a little bleeding after...I never have bleeding after sex but it was also only 5 DPO so not implantation... I'm just confused. With having a pretty painful ovulation and now this I'm slightly worried.

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8 years ago

Don't worry AKHopeful, I had a light brown slight show this morn and then a bit later a tiny amount of light pink, when I took my temp it had dropped a whole degree, thought thats it im out this month and was close to tears, again Im only 6dpo, then on another forum a wonderful lady informed its actually a pretty good sign as long as it stops pretty quick as the drop in temp is called 'The implantation dip' and its actually common amongst pregnant woman, it doesnt mean you are def oregnant and not all pregnant woman get it but your chances of being pregnant are higher if you do get it, whoop whoop

8 years ago

Boy I hope that's what it is! Of course I went on vacation for one night and didn't bring my thermometer so I have no idea what my temp did but I sure hope your right for both out sakes!!!

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8 years ago

Hey ladies, hope you doing well, that's a great sign there akhopeful and pinkster.. hooe this is it..
Im only 2 or 3 dpo today so nothinh to report, that's why I haven't been updating caude there IS no update.
I ll be having vaginal progesterone starting today until CD 25, I don't wanna have it but since my husband wants me to.. I can't say no. He probably wants this baby more than I do lol..
Ya well.. it's not like I won't be happy if it's not all natural.. after all.. it would always be a gift from God.
Take care lovelies..
C ya

8 years ago

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