What women are saying

Achy Legs or Hips

Page 8

ctymom  9 years ago
yes! starting at 10dpo I've been having bad restless leg syndrome and pains in my calves! Hoping it leads me to a bfp!!


mrzgodinez09  9 years ago
Last night I was 7 dpo. I started to have an achy feeling in my left and right calf. Then again this morning. Could this be a sign?


luvmymonkeys  9 years ago
Been having restless legs at night. Started at 4dpo now on 7 dpo




gr8candy  9 years ago
7 or 8dpo almost like I have restless leg syndrome


Beautifulpain18  9 years ago
10 dpo and my legs and knees are swollen :( it hurts so much


LavandaarGuitar  9 years ago
9dpo left hip is still inflamed. I can't sleep on it at night.


LavandaarGuitar  9 years ago
4dpo and my hip us killing me. I thought maybe I injured or something. It's like the muscles are inflamed.


Allsopp25  9 years ago
Muscle ache through both legs 8dpo


wakeup79  9 years ago
0dpo and this one is really working me!! Ive had to apply pressure just to releive the pain. #ttc


mrseveland  9 years ago
6 dpo and hips and lower back are very very achy, and lower cervical pain as well that just started tonight. Implantation?


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