What women are saying

Achy Legs or Hips

Page 3

ashpay8915  7 years ago
7dpo - I can't even lay on my side right now. My right hip is sending tingling pain down my whole leg.


Baby_Dreams8285  7 years ago
13 dpo: woke up w/ sore muscles in butt cheeks; lower back pain past few days. Not normal pms symptoms


Babytears2016  7 years ago
7dpo and last night in the cinema, over the top of both hips I was feeling a dull ache. So much that I had to keep shifting position




Comeonlittlebean  7 years ago
9dpo and my left hip is very sore today!


hummingbird214  7 years ago
4DPO and having achey hips,legs and back


Alliejane12   7 years ago
This started for me like 2-5 dpo then it just stopped. It felt like I had a serious leg workout it hurt to sit, stand, moving period hurt!


eskimozie  7 years ago
8 DPO. Hips are achy and stiff. I feel like I did some sort of weird butt work-out all night


Nogahlight  7 years ago
Yes I really feel the pain in my right hip and both legs


MOMMYOF3.2BE  8 years ago
How about pain under your buttocks kinda going into your buttocks


MOMMYOF3.2BE  8 years ago
How about pain under your buttocks kinda going into your buttocks


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