What women are saying

Achy Legs or Hips

Page 2

mamax4  7 years ago
3 dpo buttock & hip muscles sore. Have been for a couple days.


MrsAllen  7 years ago
I am 4 DPO and I have legs, hips and feet feel heavy and a little tingling pain. This is new to me.


mamax4  7 years ago
Legs sore/heavy today, and hips hurting tonight. 7/8 dpo




Bekah21  7 years ago
Legs so sore


ladysyracuse02  7 years ago
sore legs and joints. nothing too painful but noticeably sore


ECH6484  7 years ago
4dpo aching back and shooting pain in hips and down legs- new symptom for me


Nicole Bowe  7 years ago
1 DPO. Right leg and buttock is aching This is a new symptom.


Nicole Bowe  7 years ago
1 DPO. Right leg and buttock is aching This is a new symptom.


Monea16  7 years ago
5 dpo achy thighs,buttocks,cafs, lower back


DoulaBB  7 years ago
10 dpo - never had achy legs before. On and off all day, calves/butt/thighs... even my shins!


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