What women are saying

Dull Cramps/Pressure

Page 4

Athomas720  6 years ago
Estimated 8 dpo, 6 days until af. Been having short burst of what feels like a needle prick in my cervix. Fx it's a good sign!


gessy420  6 years ago
7dpo and lots of cramping and pressure today


JayBeeH3  6 years ago
Mild cramping on right side comes and goes. Im about 3 or maybe 4dpo




AbigailsMommy84  6 years ago
6 DPO, mild cramping, pain in left ovary and sharp shooting pain in nipples


jany952  6 years ago
4 DPO, I have lower abdomin cramps. Possibly from ab exercises I did. I did have sex 2 days before O. Too soon?


Luvlytwin  6 years ago
9 dpo, lots of cramping since 7 dpo. AF due in 5 days. feels like i'm out this month.


Shainajohns9  6 years ago
I been having cramps in my lower stomach pressure sharp pains backache really bad headaches


Cosmicsam   6 years ago
Lower left pulling pains. Back pains on left side also. Bloated gassy feelings


ChrissyBL  6 years ago
Insane pressure. twinging. constant feeling like i need to pee. tested neg for UTI


Suzie88  6 years ago
Twinges, pulling, I feel pressure. Lower back aches. exhaustion etc.. 12 DPO. How long does cramping last?


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