What women are saying


Page 8

Mimitorr2600  7 years ago
13 dpo


NurseyJay  8 years ago
Never really had backache before. I'm 7dpo and really struggling today!


NurseyJay  8 years ago
Never really had backache before. I'm 7dpo and really struggling today!




autismnamama  8 years ago
now my back has been sore along with sore legs ugh what is this lol


Jewelsfiddler  8 years ago
I have leg aches when going to bed, also back aches, small cramps but not that much pressure. Head aches, especially Fatigue.


autismnamama  8 years ago
3dpo my legs have been sore when i goto bed


savera  8 years ago
1dpo feeling mild backache....


slnshrra27  8 years ago
2dpo and i have a bad backache aswell as my pelvic more on my right side..


jenkaygol  8 years ago
back hurts quite a bit. bloated and barely there cramps?


Jenni 1985  8 years ago
I had a terrible ache in my arm that lasted hours and still felt it in AM


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