What women are saying

Strange/Metallic Taste in Mouth

Page 6

BeckyM23  9 years ago
having a weird/strange taste in my mouth.. anyonr have any ideas if this could be a sign? 5dpo


Tlhalefo Thaba  9 years ago
I'm 16 DPO and been having ds weird taste I'm my mouth..Regardless if I'm eating or not


mrzgodinez09  9 years ago
Started experiencing a odd taste in my mouth at 5dpo and it has only increased by day 8 anyone have any idea if this is related to pregnancy




jadams8068  9 years ago
I'm 9 dpo so maybe that's a good sign


jadams8068  9 years ago
I'm not a sure what I'm tasting. not penny strong but the taste is changing how my water taste. tried to brush my teeth. that didn't work.


member_179932  9 years ago
4 dpo and I've had this too. Not sure what to make of it.


Sunny43  9 years ago
had this since 3 dpo.. now 8dpo. thought it was from moutwash sp stopped using that and it has still persisted.


EssieJames  9 years ago
10DPO and tonight just started having taste of a penny in my mouth, ran to bathroom to brush and got bleeding gums!


MansMom  9 years ago
just had the worst taste of metal in my mouth!!


wakeup79  9 years ago
10dpo and its nasty. Nothing taste the same!


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