What women are saying

Strange/Metallic Taste in Mouth

Page 2

SNROMERO15  8 years ago
13 DPO having a weird type of taste in my mouth for the past 3 days


SuperRoo  8 years ago
Had metallic taste in my mouth out of the blue at 10dpo. Wasnt sure if it was related to a nosebleed several hours earlier.


Catiren  8 years ago
currently 6 dpo. had this since last night at 5 dpo. its even stronger today. had this with my daughter at the same dpo's too!




Norence526  8 years ago
New symptom and I am 8 days passed ovulation


SweetPmama  8 years ago
3 Dpo strange/bad taste in my mouth!


mmcconnell849  8 years ago
Yes. 10dpo. Thought it was my Vape pen until 10 hours later the taste still hasn't gone away.


NickyRonald  8 years ago
Yes only 6dpo


Burtstequila1st@  8 years ago
Yes's 10 & yes


Burtstequila1st@  8 years ago
Yes's 10 & yes


Zakir1  8 years ago
I woke up at 8dpo with this synptom. I have never experienced it before.


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