What women are saying

Sore Throat

Page 7

Rolomomma06  9 years ago
11dpo, 12dpo and 13dpo while IB. Still waiting for my positive test


Mzmarcie  9 years ago
First sign I get when im gettin sick happend 1dpo


KHase385  9 years ago
10 dpo .. All of a sudden sore throat but negative test this morning.. Due in two days..




Bubbles072013  9 years ago
CD27 13dpo my throat is really irritated still no sign of AF


mk2011  9 years ago
3 dpo & i woke up this morning with a sore throat. It feels really dry. I didn't have this symptom with my 1st preg.


LavandaarGuitar  9 years ago
7dpo still sore. I can't drink enough water!


LavandaarGuitar  9 years ago
4dpo - sore throat, and as a singer by profession, I can tell my vocal cords are slightly swollen.


wakeup79  9 years ago
0dpo yes just a little!! #ttc


mummyjc  9 years ago
no sore throat but my voice is sounding like im goin.to lose it 11 dpo


kaitlynparks94  9 years ago
8 dpo and my throat is sore as all get out. definitely a new symptom.


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