What women are saying

Increased Sense of Smell

Page 5

Loveplusthree  10 years ago
5dpo laying down with stepdaughter and smell of her detangler made it hard to lay by her, it was SO strong!


metalmama2  10 years ago
smelled pavement two miles from construction site.. Dh got freaked out by the super smell. lol


Mrs_Jackson  10 years ago
Could smell my husband when he first came in from work. Then when around my friends house I could smell urine. cat peed behind sofa :O




arielle2012  10 years ago
crazy sense of smell unusual for me -been hightened since 0 dpo- now 3 dpo


waiting4#3  11 years ago
smelled my sons chips through 2 closed doors..weird! 5 or 6 dpo wasnt qiet sure what it was though till i asked him.


sandyscotty  11 years ago
husband was eating kept smelling which food


greensparkles  11 years ago
8dpo Smelled a bonfire when riding in a friend's car--his son's boyscout manual was on the back seat, they had a bonfire last night.


pudge0016  11 years ago
6dpo was able to smell dryer sheets. from my polar. my hubby had to go outside to smell it. neighbor using a dryer.


Achoti  11 years ago
Currently 10 DPO and can smell my dog's breathe from ten feet away. Noone else can smell it. I swear there is a gas leak. Hate sweaty smells


mmmm3v  11 years ago
smelled co-workers hot tea at 5 DPO.


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