What women are saying

Food Aversion

Page 7

WillowAriana  12 years ago
12 dpo I had hummus tonight but couldn't eat it cause it tasted like peanut butter. I live for hummus but just could not eat it


Guest  12 years ago
5 dpo the smell of sausage and eggs smelled so disgusting


ecb1987  12 years ago
12dpo today and took a drink of milk...threw it up again within 20min..tried again few hours later..same thing happened...




Guest  12 years ago
Drank milk and it tasted spoiled! Checked the carton and the date was fine. Discovered all milk now tastes spoiled. 13 dpo.


Guest  12 years ago
Turkey. gack. 12 dpo.


Guest  12 years ago
the smell of fish and eggs cooking make me sick (i'm on 5dpo) and i love fish and eggs :(


Guest  12 years ago
I could hardly eat from 8 weeks on to 14 weeks.


Guest  12 years ago
7 dpo saw a recipe using white american cheese started feeling sick. White american cheese made me sick with #1 too


MeTrying2Conceive  12 years ago
The smell of coffee made me feel so nauseated today (3 dpo)! Hoping that's a good sign!!


cjpalaska  12 years ago
12dpo and can't eat breakfast... yesterday and today; not hungry food doesn't sound good


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