What women are saying


Page 5

MagickyTaurus  12 years ago
im 12dpo and having tons of symptoms


Guest  12 years ago
boyfriend told me he was sick and couldnt come burt in histarical tears :/


silkblackkat  12 years ago
7 dpo, doing a haircut and almost burst into tears




StaceyJ27  12 years ago
completely moody and stroppy today (16 dpo) and today.


cammybowles  12 years ago
moods all over the place. awful. poor bf.


tweety1818  12 years ago
forgot to add I'm 11DPO


tweety1818  12 years ago
I got mad over the tV because the satellite dish was not working due to weather - Screamed alot - not normal for me.


Guest  12 years ago
6 dpo... had to close my door in the office so I could cry over virtually nothing.


Guest  12 years ago
9-10 dpo, feeling completely nuts... angry,happy, and sad all within the matters of minutes. Sucky !


nena31  12 years ago
4dpo, feeling very out of control with my moodiness. snapping at people over little things. crying about things that are out of my hands.


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