What women are saying

Montgomery's Tubercles

Page 7

tbug05  12 years ago
9 DPO more bumps around nipple and the tip of nipples has lots of white spots, not there befores


Guest  12 years ago
OMG, I thought something was wrong with me; did not know that you could get "bumps" on your breasts; weird


Guest  12 years ago
im only 1 dpo and I noticed the bumps this morning, my nipples are also killing me but that usually happens right before my period.




Guest  12 years ago
Do u get mor of these with a second pregnancy


Guest  12 years ago
i am 13dpo and i saw these tiny bumps for the first time tosay.


READY4OURBABY  12 years ago
4dpo and i definitely have these bumps and my nipples continue to stay firm(as if i were cold or had a chill)


NefWants1  12 years ago
im 3dpo but i have serious blue veins on my lower abdomen, never there b4


kw97hprelude  12 years ago
its not a pimple. looks like it but its not going away. maybe down in size a bit but not going away


kw97hprelude  12 years ago
at about 8dpo i noticed i had these. i too thought it was a pimple but its not.


emilykate93  12 years ago
just noticed them today at 15 dpo


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