What women are saying


Page 8

Mommy123cat  10 years ago
Dpo 21 Horrible heartburn all weekend, BFN yest, still no AF,never get heartburn.


CarolRezende  10 years ago
Dpo 8 Experiencing a lot of heartburn tonight. I ate a tuna sandwich, which is usually fine for me. :-/


Missus.H  10 years ago
3 dpo - terrible heartburn/reflux for 2 days




lmcdoby  11 years ago
13 dpo... heartburn has been absolutely Hell the past 3 days in a row...I haven't even been eating spicy or hott foods...or eating much


Achoti  11 years ago
Had extremely bad reflux at 7DPO. I never have reflux/heartburn.


shelbyleroy  11 years ago
14 dpo reaaaaally bad heartburn


KittyDochas  11 years ago
17 DPO with heartburn out the wazoo...has been going on for 2 weels now (never had it before) but 13 DPO got a bfn...


GenevieveMila  11 years ago
3DPO - felt acid reflux coming up at night and in the morning


cardigan  11 years ago
HORRIBLE heartburn/acid reflux for past several days. 12dpo w faint pos w fmu.


taragaby  11 years ago
9 dpo - bfn yesterday but soem heartburn - like food coming up to throat - but not quite


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