What women are saying


Page 7

LizzieZoidburg  10 years ago
heartburn/nausea started a couple hours ago... 5-6 dpo. Hoping for that BFP (:


EDELACRUZ780  10 years ago
ive had heart burn since 6dpo i have never had heart burn in my life. walking and drinking out of a straw has helped


Leiaza  10 years ago
I have had heartburn off and on 1dpo and period like cramps




zepher  10 years ago
did I mention up until that 3 days ago.. I had 0 tolerance for any spice at all...


zepher  10 years ago
I am 7dpo and have had bad heartburn for the last few days. I am now craving spicy food, which doesn't help.


triximama1  10 years ago
6dpo and bad heartburn even though I am not eating foods known for acid reflux..ugg


omgiacobbi  10 years ago
5DPO & I've had hb since 2DPO. I get hb normally, but it's been VERY bad since 2DPO. Even water is giving me hb.


kassygreen  10 years ago
ttc for a couple months, about 10dpo and this morning i woke up to terrible heartburn!all day if I burp i get hb, h20 hb sore breast.fatigue


ChelseaC62  10 years ago
oh and im 9 dpo


ChelseaC62  10 years ago
yep.. heartburn from hell. i nevver get heartburn


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