What women are saying


Page 4

rainbowbabe83  9 years ago
Today I am having heartburn :(


kadencesmommy  9 years ago
Im two dpo and ive started to have heartburn...this is a new symptom for me.


jodi4903  9 years ago
at 8DPO my heartburn SUCKS! Hoping this is pregnancy otherwise I should probably start taking Pepto!




mrspong  9 years ago
only had heartburn with my daughter/ even when I had horrible ulcer, I've had it all month. Just maybe a sign!?


BBohland22  9 years ago
I had really bad heartburn all day when I was 6dpo and I just knew I was pregnant. 4 days later at 10dpo I got a positive pregnancy test.


james36  9 years ago
i have been having bad heartburn all day like crazy


wakeup79  9 years ago
0dpo and this one is really working me!! Ive had to apply pressure just to releive the pain. #ttc


SugarSkullMomma92  9 years ago
I had heartburn yesterday @ 3dpo and today 4dpo.


kca_pie  9 years ago
I have only had heartburn during my past 5 pregnancies. I've had it since 2dop. Hope it means good news.


scabbie   10 years ago
im about 9dpo never get heartbrun part from years ago when drinking to nuch apple juice which never did since then had this for 6days now :(


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