What women are saying

Tender Breasts

Page 9

cocov78  8 years ago
Extremely sensitive, mostly on sides and underneath. About the same the last three days.


MogieNord  8 years ago
My breasts have been tender since 2-3DPO, but today is 9DPO and the pain is much more intense today. I


Twin2sister3  8 years ago
9DPO is when it started to get a little sore. Now it's 10DPO (a day later) and they hurt to touch. Very sore on the sides too




jmlou123  9 years ago
very sore, tender breasts, hurts to touch them


Tripledagger3  9 years ago
4 dpo, tender breasts under both nipple areas


netstar  9 years ago
10dpo and my sides of breats near arms are also very sore!


bbjean  9 years ago
im only 5dpo and my side ofbreast under armpit is killing me! what coild this mean????


PurpleCat14  9 years ago
I always have tender BB's after ovulation and this month, nothing! This would be kid #2 if I am so....I don't know!.


wardliz85  9 years ago
7 8 and 9. never had tender bbs this early. fingers cross for a [bfp]


Kriss6622  9 years ago
7 dpo and have had tender breasts for 5 day. On the 2dpomy back was also very cramped like pms.


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