What women are saying

Tender Breasts

Page 8

ishwarya  8 years ago
i have light pain on my breasts


Xomarsss  8 years ago
13 dpo only one nipple sensitive and breast started hurting at 10 dpo but only on the sides near the armpit.


jaccineiswender  8 years ago
I am 8 dpo and my breast started hurting really bad 7dpo




#3girlBella  8 years ago
throbbing burning sensitive breasts like when i was pregnant 6 years ago!! 8DPO


Jasmine1993  8 years ago
5dpo, stabbing pain, it just started today :/ not something g normal for me, only when pregnant, I pray I am


kaylebsmom06  8 years ago
Since 1dpo my breasts have been super sore... It even hurts to lay on them (sleeping on my stomach) my DS hugged me and I almost cried!!!


bromlen1  8 years ago
I'm 7dpo and breast are really starticle g to be painful! !!!


bromlen1  8 years ago
I'm 7dpo and breast are really starticle g to be painful! !!!


bromlen1  8 years ago
I'm 7dpo and breast are really starticle g to be painful! !!!


framawillis  8 years ago
My name is Camille bruno Valdez My partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for


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