What women are saying


Page 6

Sassysue  10 years ago
10 dpo , have been constipated for about a week, mild to start, then bad, back to mild, not usual for me at all!


deuce2  10 years ago
I have the typical PMS symptoms (8do). The only thing that has stood out is slight constipation. I normally have loose BMs right before AF


tshifhiwa  10 years ago
was constipated 6-7 DPO and that is unusual for me




shayshay25  10 years ago
But I feel like I have to go all the time is that a good sign of pregnancy ???


shayshay25  10 years ago
I am 5dpo and I think I'm constipated. I've gone to Tht bathroom about 4 or 5 times today 2 out of 3 times I exactly used the bathroom


NewFlower  10 years ago
11 dpo: constipation started yesterday and normally i am very regular. I am expecting AF today and I am cramping and my legs and bbs are sor


omgiacobbi  10 years ago
10dpo & I had diarrhea this morning, now I can't go. Not normal for me being so close to AF (4 days).


emeraldrainbow   10 years ago
was constipated 2-3 dpo, usually never


Achoti  11 years ago
Yes, started at 7 DPO. Feel as if I do not want to "push" too much as cramps may start.


m2beee  11 years ago
have only "gone" a couple of times in the last 7 days, yikes.


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