What women are saying

Strong Smelling Urine

Page 4

kellyal8313  9 years ago
Yes, today I had a ton of water and it still smells very strong. I am only 4-5 days past ovulation. It's new and started today.


Chelseabphoto  9 years ago
im 13 dpo and i just noticed today that my urine is darker, and the only way i can explain the smell is that of horse urine: / its so wierd


spencerkim1212  9 years ago
I'm 11 dpo and I have been having a strong urine smell since 9dpo. I just went to the bathroom one morning and realized it. Baby dust to all




helen338  9 years ago
13 days po and extremely strong and dark urine especially in a morning .


Mrs_Daisy  9 years ago
9dpo and frequent urination that has a ripe fruit smell to it


ctymom  9 years ago
10dpo and I've had strong smelling urine for a couple of days. I drink plenty so hoping it's a good sign.


ctymom  9 years ago
6dpo and strong urine smell...hoping bfp will follow


SLG_babyhopes  9 years ago
8dpo noticing my urines smell more today, hope its a good sign!


Moonjade  9 years ago
strong smelling urine at 11dpo. Really weird.


Babygirl329622003  9 years ago
I dont know what dpo i am but i have strong smelling urine too


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