What women are saying

6 days past ovulation

Page 3

Jinxylee  4 years ago
Full, warm feeling in my lower abdomen (uterus area), some tiredness.


HopefulNaya  4 years ago
Nausea, full, heavy breast, twinges in my pelvis both sides mostly on the right.


Kakracyn  5 years ago
Pain in my left ovary & pain in the side of my breasts.




FatttyDevine  5 years ago
bloating, constipation, gassy, achy hips, backache, vivid dreams, very sore nipples & breast tenderness


peonies2107  5 years ago
Sore and fuller breasts. Some creamy cm, and feeling kind of wet.


Alithia20  5 years ago
Cramping been sleeping allot the past few days, nipples are a little sensitive but nothing crazy cm started off thick and creamy to watery


OhBoyOrGirl  5 years ago
Had pink spotting, major AF cramps & backaches all day. Cervix hurts, strange fluttering in uterus with stabbing pain. 6DPO


OhBoyOrGirl  5 years ago
Nausea, tired, empty feeling in stomach hungry. Cervix high pointed backwards. Salty taste in mouth few days now. All my cramping gone today


kerlinky  5 years ago
Moody, sensitive, sore boobs, dull cramps


Chineye  5 years ago
My breast hurts unlike my usual PMS breast tenderness and I feel exhausted and weak. I have been running serious temperature since today.


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