What women are saying

11 days past ovulation

Page 7

Mememe32  6 years ago
Also heartburn insomnia sensation in bum vivid dreams 3 days now creamy cm cx high dip at 8dpo


Mememe32  6 years ago
If im not preg il eat my hat ..af type cramp but lower comes and goes but feel nauseated at same time.boobs feel hot HUGE round sides tingle


Itskaytlyn99  6 years ago
Mild cramps , very sore in my legs and back , a little nauseous.




Nickie2018  6 years ago
Sore nipples, very bloated, little bit teary, peed 3 times in 1 hour!


Queenofkings05  6 years ago
Dull cramps, bloated abdomen, sore nipples that are larger and now darker in color, heavy full breasts, increased appetite, weepy.


Vijisha  6 years ago
Head ache dry mouth intense cramp on left side of stomach


RhiJ86  6 years ago
Boobs tender, nipples tender and sensitive. Butterfly feeling in stomach and crotch.


Coken2018  6 years ago
Mild nausea, headache, dry mouth, metal taste in mouth, sharp cramping left side only, frequent bm, heavy girls on my chest, moody, bachache


MamaKesi  6 years ago
Fatigue, very tender and swollen breasts, very sensitive nipples, watery Cm, twinges on left, pulling inside belly button, constipation.


Beaut1ful38  6 years ago
11dpo- Dizzy/lightheaded sometimes, hungry more,and mild dull cramps, pinching on left side. —BFP 10dpo and today PREGNANT on digital!!


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