What women are saying

0 days past ovulation

MsChop1026  1 year ago
Strong O pain on both sides. High drive. Very sensitive.


Smeyer1011  4 years ago
So I’m 5 DPO. I’m cramping in my abdomen and feeling tight. I’m also a little nauseous and having back pain.


kcolomes  7 years ago
Ov pain slight headache on and off hoping the clomid worked and there are Moreno than one egg EWCM highsex drive




pappubuju  7 years ago
breat tenderness.dizzi, armpit ach, extreme tiredness, head ache. bfn


Cookie3185  7 years ago
Ovulation pain, increased cervical mucus, high sex drive, extreme dry mouth, and an awesome skin glow ????


maybebaby39  8 years ago
gassy, cramps, headache, another bfp dream


MrsA001  8 years ago
bad sleep, hot all night, bloated, low energy, vvvvv sore boobies


Mommy2a3yearold  8 years ago
Cramping, twinges, feeling like my uterus or ovaries are having spasms, soreness in my uterus/abdomen


Gina1984  8 years ago
painfull breast in the middle and sides under arms, cramps like AF pokes twinges pain , heartburn, backache, headache


Joneisha  8 years ago
Bad period like cramps and diarrhea


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