Photo #695737


member  6 years ago

Decided to use an OPK as a pregnancy test. This is what I got









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Comments (1)


sweetme4gs1  5 years ago

You are probably pregnant I would test with hpt to be sure

member   6 years ago

@squishy1 I have already gotten a positive result before taking this test. I decided to that an ovulation for shits and giggles.

Angeldusty  6 years ago

Squishy literally hangs around giving negative comments on posts. I've seen it a lot over the past few months. Congratulations!

dakotagurrl  6 years ago

Wow! Way to suck the joy out of this woman's pregnancy...smfh, unbelievable! Congratulations, member! H&H9! =))

Lightattheend  6 years ago

Or I've had doctors I work with do it for me on my break can't be all the time though lol

Lightattheend  6 years ago

I know working in the er my friend that does ultrasounds can sometimes sneak me a quick ultrasound to see if I've ovulated if I'm lucky wink

Lightattheend  6 years ago

Or one where you work to check the size of your egg mm ext and if its ovulated

Lightattheend  6 years ago

Not being rude if your a doctor seriously why do you need to be on site to find out if your ovulating can't you even use your untrasound

Lightattheend  6 years ago

As you can see she was only putting this opk u for fun to show they do turn pos she has many pos hpt b4 this opk

Lightattheend  6 years ago

No one should be heart broken fr taken an opk b4 a hpt ladies know they take a hpt first

Lightattheend  6 years ago

Of course in the er we are not going to say ok lady here is an opk now we will test for pregnancy with an opk

Lightattheend  6 years ago

And I never said you use a opk to test for pregnancy you need to have a hpt pos first and it's just for fun but will turn pos after the fact

Lightattheend  6 years ago

Also as a opk will always pick up hcg once a hpt is pos a opk shuld never be used as a hpt it's just cool to try it out once you get a hpt

Lightattheend  6 years ago

Exactly never use blood on a hpt it will just mess up the test

Lightattheend  6 years ago

We don't ever use in the er haha a opk for pregnancy but what I am saying is if a hpt is pos first a opk will pick up the hcg

Squishy1  6 years ago

People do this, among other :internet: test, get a + then get heartbroken when its a neg bhcg result. Same with blood on a stick. Nope

Squishy1  6 years ago

I am a dr.. We never useopk for hcg test. Ever. They are designed for LH and NOT hcg.

Lightattheend  6 years ago

Meaning opks can pick up bhcg but hpts can't pick up ovulation

Lightattheend  6 years ago

A good way to put it is a hpt has a hat and opk doesn't

Lightattheend  6 years ago

For an opk to register as positive opks and and hpt are twins

Lightattheend  6 years ago

I'm a ER registered nurse for 14 years yes opks 100% pick up pregnancy it's a fact but first off the hpt has to be pos to have a nuff hcg

Squishy1  6 years ago

You You have another LH surge. These test do not pick up HcG..
