Littlemimi  4 years ago

Women always have a level of LH in their system so you will always have that second line on an opk. As far as you being that late, you should have been getting positives by now if you were pregnant. It's not uncommon to skip a month but if you're worried, ask your doctor for some bloodwork.

smithers87  4 years ago

Got it! Thanks for clarifying. I'd call your doc if you haven't gotten your period yet and your HPTs are negative. I just know that we always have a little bit of LH in our system, so there will always be a faint line.

wantsababy80   4 years ago

I’m not asking if it positive I know it isn’t positive I am asking why when I’m 7 days late am I get near positive test on opks

smithers87  4 years ago

This is still a negative opk. The only time an opk is positive is when the test line is as dark or darker than the control line.