MamaOf2Girls22   5 years ago

I dont produce progesterone well, I am on a supplement for it. I was told that if my progesterone is low then my hcg will increase slower?

Jessesgirl910   5 years ago

Could be chemical. Or maybe ur urine was just more diluted or the test was a lil diff. I’ve had that happen...this week actually. Vvvvfp Tues. Wed. Thurs. then neg Fri. Then blazing pos Sat. and Sun. GL.

MamaOf2Girls22   5 years ago

They were both faint positives. But today is obviously negative.

Nylorac78  5 years ago

If you had a definite positive on those days and now a negative, and haven’t taken any medication which would cause a false positive (e.g. hCG trigger), then it’s likely a chemical pregnancy.