Maggilu76   5 years ago

I’m hoping they will want to see me sooner than 8 weeks, I will request that. Hoping because of my age and history they’ll agree.

ClaireyGN  5 years ago

It will seem like forever but it’ll soon be with you. Won’t they let you go in earlier due to previous miscarriage? Id get some bloods just for my reassurance although I’m sure everything’s just fine xx

Maggilu76   5 years ago

In the US it’s usually 8 weeks for your first appointment & ultrasound. They’ll look for the heartbeat then, I can’t breathe until they say they see it. Now I have to find my new OB, my mission this week!

ClaireyGN  5 years ago

I’m so glad!! When will your first appointment be? We are usually seen here in England for a booking appointment around 6 weeks, blood tests and any concerns taken and scan booked for 10-12 weeks xx