PinkLady1972   6 years ago

4 years.. Wow I don't think I could try for that long I know there's others that try and try and don't give up but not sure I could it's draining , I'm torn whether to just quit charting.. Opks.. Testing and just forget about it see if that works or to forget it completely and get the implant in?? X

Melbo19  6 years ago

Hang in there. I know it's hard. We've been TTC for 4 years (endometriosis/PCOS).

PinkLady1972   6 years ago

Your so positive @Mememe I wish I could be, @Our1st I'm sorry its happening to you to, if you look at my profile you will see all the pics I've posted with vvfl even a cbd saying "pregnant 1-2 wks" 4 days later I started to bleed, it's not nice and I've been patient but now I feel I'm done with it x

Mememe32  6 years ago

Hunni ..on invert theres something there cant count yrself out until AF shows ..a lady i delivered when i was working as an emt was 48 so yr not to old !im keeping ething x 4 u Our1st sorry to hear yr bleeding hope its just spotting ..