Moonbaby15  6 years ago

I mean, I'm the first to complain about blue dye but that's not faint, that's quite clear in my opinion. My first child I ovulated later, second I ovulated early and this one I got a dark line at 8dpo and me and hubby weren't really "TTC" I think we only did it properly twice this month. So could be

Angela18   6 years ago

Wow, craziness! Guess you just never know, lol, now I must pray all is well and sticky

Kelliria  6 years ago

Well, it definately has the cross lines! My 1st pregnancy i tracked sex but not ovulation b/c i wasn't trying. When i had my us to find out how far i was, i was confused. The conception date didnt add up. I only had sex 10 days before conception date and 8 days after. It was over 5 days either way.