member   10 weeks ago

For the kind women on here, THANK YOU. For the nasty woman that commented. You are clearly not well. (Just look at your profile picture!)And certainly dont belong on this app.
You were reported. Karma is real. Be kind!

Ilove40  10 weeks ago

I would wait a few days and check for any progression because your tests are all +

Angela18  10 weeks ago

I’d go ahead and delete that nut job off of this if I were you (they obviously need prayers for their behavior). You are only 10 dpo how many days have you gotten these faint lines? If they aren’t darkening it could be a chemical pregnancies. You can always call your doctor to get hcg test run.

Mikeysgirl  10 weeks ago

Because you’re crazy…. You do this everyday
You truly need to seek help… nobody feels sorry for you