Squirrel123   1 year ago

Thank you so much Angela18. Trying not to obsess but it’s so hard! That’s really comforting to know that you got pregnant on your next cycle as this gives me hope so thank you! I’ve just started spotting today so hoping it’s my period so I can get back to ttc

Angela18  1 year ago

Sorry my friend I definitely know how it feels. This happened to me and after a cycle I was pregnant again

Squirrel123   1 year ago

Oh wow ok thank you for your comment. So tough, hard enough going through D&C but then having to wait for your cycle to get back to normal and not knowing if bfp is due to new pregnancy or old is just soul destroying

popples  1 year ago

It took 4 weeks for me to get negative and now I think I am just ovulating so perhaps still leftover HCG. Think FRER can pick up 6miu