gretja   2 years ago

i keep replying to comments and they don’t save. what the heck??

thank you, awilliams and tiebreaker! not sure i have enough hcg for the hook, yet, but can try. what the heck!

that’s a good point, tiebreaker. i hate these frers. and this wait.

thetiebreaker  2 years ago

Also, These also look darker than the fmu so that is positive. Hang in there! Stupid frer tests can vary in dye content, as well! :)

thetiebreaker  2 years ago

I think you’re just really early on since you weren’t exactly tracking this month. hcg doubles between 24 and 36 hours, so you may have just caught a diluted sample that hasn’t doubled from the day before quite yet. SMU is always best for me - I think you’re looking great! Relax mama!

Awilliams85  2 years ago

It could be that your fmu was too concentrated. Possible “hook effect”. If it does this again in the morning, try diluting it with a little water and see what happens. If it’s darker with water than that’s exactly what’s happening.