thetiebreaker  2 years ago

Well keep us posted! I’m so hoping that the elevated level of LH means a BFP for you! And I love Instacart. Those people think I’m nuts for sure (ordering pregnancy tests!) again, good luck! I hope you get your positive!

Wanttobepregnant   2 years ago

Currently waiting for Instacart to deliver my pregnancy test. Not sure how but got it super cheap.

thetiebreaker  2 years ago

Unfortunately, Glenndacain is right. A pregnancy test would be positive before an OPK would if you are pregnant. Have you tried a HPT instead? I hope you get the same result on that! Good luck!

Wanttobepregnant   2 years ago

Not true I got a positive opk test two days before my missed period when I was pregnant with my twins many years ago.