Lovenlife7  2 years ago

I understand. We just had our baby in April. I bought those cheap internet opks and I’ve been testing to get a feel for my new body. I am still nursing full time, so it’s definitely different trying to get an accurate reading. I bought 30 for $15 on Amazon. Really helps.

member   2 years ago

I still haven’t started my period since giving birth in December. I had some ovulation signs around the time we had sex, 9-10 days ago.

Lovenlife7  2 years ago

You will ovulate somewhere in the middle. Did you have sex around that time? The egg only lives 12-24 hours, but sperm live up to 5 days.

Lovenlife7  2 years ago

It is not the days after sex that matters. It is how many days after your body releases an egg that does. If your cycles are pretty regular, then take a look at a calendar and see when your first day of your last period was and when you expect the first day of your next.