Trustinginhim   2 years ago

Thank you for the kind replies. As for the one.. I have had 14 losses and a stillbirth. So as much as I have had nine, I still know lost, infertility treatments and lots more.

millbarnett  2 years ago

If you want to see change you would need to take pictures at the 5 min mark and put a test done 2 days later to look at progression. But I wouldn't worry too much with these tests. She didn't get a dye stealer till 6 weeks.

millbarnett  2 years ago

These tests aren't going to change that much with early and low numbers. My friends first beta was 10, second was 48. Went in 5 days later andnwas 995. These tests barely showed progression for her. Also remember that day to day isn't going to show much change as hcg doubles every 48 hrs.

Soeknogeen  2 years ago

You should know by now how it works with 9 kids.
It’s clearly positive and progressing. Just enjoy