Charlenedoc   3 years ago

If you read my comments properly you would see I couldn't get an app until I was 8 weeks pp. I will have my blood test on Friday. If my pictures bother you so much why take the time to comment just bloody scroll on.

Soeknogeen  3 years ago

Just go and have an hcg test done. If it’s doubling then you’ve got your answer.

Charlenedoc   3 years ago

Strange as I am I tested as soon as I got out of the hospital and they were all negative. Only just now there starting to become positive. I've no symptoms at all of a retained tissue. I just not sure what's going on.

dakotagurrl  3 years ago

It looks a bit darker than 4 days ago, but not much. Try to get in to see ur dr asap. Being this soon after birth, there may be some retained tissue causing the positive. After 4 days, this should be noticeably darker. Something's definitely going on that needs to be addressed. Good luck! =))