amyorn   3 years ago

Yes I have planned beta checks but I haven’t had positive tests for months just a few days FYI...clear blue digi was negative

Sezzy777  3 years ago

I agree with soundheaven79. Worth spending money on a digital test or getting a blood test for an overall check.

soundhaven79  3 years ago

Yes, appears that it’s been a good while since you tested. I suppose it just appeared to be several months based on the number of tests posted in such a short time. Maybe a blood draw would give you a more definitive answer because this must be frustrating.

amyorn   3 years ago

I haven’t tested in over ten months until I had pregnancy symptoms this cycle. I haven’t had regular periods in two years due to a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure. My prolactin was normal last year, my fsh was elevated, low AMH. Estrogen was very high